It was amazing to see Cameron after 5 weeks. He had grown so much and sprouted hair as well. Since Ryan had me all to himself for 5 weeks he really wasn't in the mood to start sharing me therefore it took him a few days to get use to having me share my time with Cameron and eventually things settled down and returned back to normal.
Still as I drove around the streets in Lindsay without Ryan in the truck I felt off like I was missing something and told
Ryan has accomplished many things since attending the camp and since we've been home. Ryan has learnt to feed himself using a spoon and bowl now sitting at his very own table. A special thanks to John for giving Ryan an amazing table. He now loves to sit kneeling to play freeing both hands. Also he is able to get into a lot more :) Before we left Ryan could army crawl but he didn't get up onto all fours now he'll army crawl to his destination, push up onto all four than push back so he is on his knees. After doing this he's able to grab onto a table or couch and pull himself into tall kneeing (bum off heels therefore able to reach many things. We have started to toddler proof our house finally......and the funny thing is we are so grateful. It's been two years and Ryan is finally able to do things that 8months old two and we are so proud of him. He's just remarkable to watch last night he was rolling around getting up and down up and down and just laughing such a hearty laugh that it just made me feel so much joy that Ryan can enjoy life that much more with the things he has accomplished in the past eight weeks.