Friday, July 29, 2011


Sorry it's been a while since I've posted but I just wanted to do an update on how well Ryan is doing. It's been 7 months since we've been back from camp and Ryan continues to show inprovements. His progress has plateaued a little bit now. He is still sleeping in a big boys bed which we are going to upgrade shortly to a set of bunk beds allowing Ryan to have more room. Right now he still sleeps in a toddler bed that uses a crib mattress.....yeah getting a little small.
He continues to feed and drink independently with a little help here and there but as far as his gag reflex it has never returned. Ryan's speach is a slow process with only a few words but his understanding seems to have grown multifolds. He definately has gotten a lot stronger, he hops all over the house on all fours and can even move backwards in the similar motion. He tall kneels holding the position for a great length of time and even while doing tasks. Overall I'm just so proud of him, I couldn't of been more blessed to have him. Here are some updated pictures of Ryan and his little brother.

Ryan and Cam eating daddy's chips

Cam and Ryan Playing together!

Ryan wheel around in his cart

~Ryan walking with his walker ~

Another pic of Ryan in his walker

Ryan having a blast on the swing